Tune into those quiet whispers

Like forgotten apps on our smartphone, we have outdated stories and limiting decisions that are running in the background of our life. These forgotten apps are like debris on the paths of our life journey that we may not notice!  They run in our Unconscious Mind on autopilot and impact our performance. Drawing upon leading edge techniques and tools, that are utilized by a community of Board Designated Results Coaches and recognized in 38 countries, programs are customized and designed to deliver results. Programs are focused on identifying, eliminating and/or updating those outdated apps to ensure your Conscious and Unconscious Minds are fully aligned to your goals.

There is no growth in the comfort zone; there is no comfort in the growth zone.

Are you repeating old patterns that keep you stuck with a lid on your expansion? These old patterns are borne from old stories about yourself, typically out of your awareness. Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results is a definition of insanity. 

If you knew a new way forward, you would already be on that path. 

Ignite Your Brilliance and Spark Your Brilliance programs to:

  • Forge an unshakeable relationship with yourself

  • Amplify confidence and self-trust

  • Reconnect to your deepest yearnings

  • Embrace your presence and power

  • Step into your voice

Ignite Your Brilliance

Personal Breakthrough

Ignite Your Brilliance is a customized program that will shine a light on the future you deeply desire. Based on a detailed intake session during our first session, specific and actionable outcomes will be agreed. This focused and intentional program is designed to interrupt limiting patterns and decisions at an unconscious level and ensure values alignment and new strategies integrated so you can get the results you deeply desire. 

Ignite Your Brilliance is completed in 10 sessions, over 3 months with practices and/or assigned tasks between sessions that are tailored to keep you growing forward.

Book a 30 minute complimentary discovery call.

Spark Your Brilliance

Personal Mini Breakthrough

Spark Your Brilliance is a customized program that also shines a light on the future you deeply desire. This is a more targeted program than Ignite Your Brilliance, with a similar approach. Specific and actionable outcomes will be agreed upon based on a detailed personal intake during the initial session.  This focused and intentional program is designed to interrupt limiting patterns and decisions at an unconscious level and ensure new strategies are integrated so you can get the results you deeply desire. 

Spark Your Brilliance is completed in 4 sessions with assigned tasks between sessions that are tailored for your forward momentum. 

Call to action: Book a 30 minute complimentary discovery call

Unlock Your Brilliance

Hypnosis Package

Hypnosis is a state of deep focus and relaxation. It’s been used since the dawn of civilization and has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating change in certain repetitive behaviours. Hypnosis tunes into the depths of the unconscious mind to create powerful, long-lasting changes in your life and the lives of those you may serve. With the willingness to embrace change and engaging the imagination, the power of suggestion is exponential.

If you are really ready to make a change, hypnosis is effective for:

  • Releasing anxiety & boosting resilience

  • Performance enhancement

  • Strengthening intuition and creativity

  • Restful sleep

  • Pain control (limited)

Call to action: Book a 30 minute complimentary discovery call